Advent 12/24/22 Christmas Eve


Psalm 130:5

I wail for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope.


"A - Anticipate new ways to celebrate this year as we deal with a changing life-style.

D - "Do Be Do Be Do" is our chant as we continue to Do the Lord's ministries while Be-ing His redeemed people.

V - Visualize the real reason for Christmas, with or without the usual traditions and schedules.

E - Everyone is invited to the celebration of life in Him.

N - Now is the time to develop new customs and new ways of sharing Jesus in your world!

T - Tell everyone what He has done, at Christmas and throughout 2023!"

Dr. Rich Bimler
Ambassador of Health, Hope, and Aging (AH-HA)
Ministry Consultant
Editor-at-Large of Hope-Full Living

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