Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children's Ministry is a key component in the stages of development for every child walking into our church doors. From infants until youth ministry, we take seriously the amazing opportunities to show God’s love in tangible ways through our children’s ministry.
Your child is precious in God's eyes and treasured in our worship space. St. John's strives to involve children in all parts of our service, from singing and reading to receiving communion. We want your child to hear the great story of God's love.
Your child is precious in God's eyes and treasured in our worship space. St. John's strives to involve children in all parts of our service, from singing and reading to receiving communion. We want your child to hear the great story of God's love.


Babies and toddlers are not too young to start learning about God’s love for them. Our nursery ministry is on of the most important ministries in the church. Come in! Check us out! We are prepared, clean, competent, and caring,

W.O.W. (Worship on Wednesdays) takes place every Wednesday evening from September through April. We start each evening at 5:30 with a meal (free will donation) served by one of our 7 volunteer meal teams from 5:30pm to 6:25pm every Wednesday evening. After you check-in, your child is free to play Gaga Ball or Basketball in our Family Life Center until classes start at 6:30pm. Preschool and Kindergarten aged children report to the octagon. First through Fourth grade start in the Sanctuary. Fifth and Sixth grade class is in room 106-A. Each month we embark on a four week journey through a bible story to Spark and Connect the children's faith with Jesus. We have music, art, science, cooking, drama, games, movie, and POPCORN!
Kids Praise

Your child is precious in God's eyes and treasured in our worship space. St. John's strives to involve children in all parts of our service, from singing and reading to receiving communion. We want your child to hear the great story of God's love.
Children's sermons

Jesus had a special place in His heart for children. He said, "Let the little children to come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 19:14) All our Sunday worship services feature a Children's Sermon. This is a time when we intentionally connect with our little ones, capture their attention, and lead them to see the truth of God's word and how it is to be lived out in their lives.

Vacation Bible School is a summer event that creates memories that help lock Bible truths in a child's heart and mind for a lifetime.
While at VBS, children encounter stories from the Bible, meet new children, have a good time with friends, and experience new and fun activities. They learn Bible verses, act out Bible stories, sing fun educational songs, watch and participate in skits, create crafts, participate in recreation, take part in hands-on mission projects, discover science activities, and have a snack or a meal.
While at VBS, children encounter stories from the Bible, meet new children, have a good time with friends, and experience new and fun activities. They learn Bible verses, act out Bible stories, sing fun educational songs, watch and participate in skits, create crafts, participate in recreation, take part in hands-on mission projects, discover science activities, and have a snack or a meal.
Indoor Playground

There’s nothing worse than cooped-up, stir-crazy, all-over-each-other kids. Throw in an “I’m bored!” and you pretty much have every parent’s worst nightmare. The solution? Our indoor playground! It is interactive, safe and totally kid-and-parent approved! AND, it's a great place for parents and grandparents to meet and network.
Worship bags

Children are especially welcome in our worship services, because faith is formed by the practices that shape it. To assist children in learning more about worship, we have created Worship Bags. These bags are available in both the Sanctuary and Family Life Center.
Children's Choir

We have wonderfully talented kids here at the Purple Door Church. Our children's choir practices on Wednesday nights at 5:30 pm and sing for the 10:30 service 1-2 times a month from September - April. If your child is interested please contact Cindy Wendel at 419-678-1087
Children are vital members of our worshiping community. We promise at baptism “to guide and nurture our children by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging our children to know and follow Christ.” Remembering this promise and knowing that children learn best by “doing,” children are always welcome to participate fully and remain in worship with their families. The presence of children in our sanctuary is a gift and a reminder of how our church is growing and thriving. Children’s bulletins and Bibles are available every Sunday.

Sundays and Wednesdays
Traditional Worship
7:45 Am, 10:30 am, 6:00 pm
Worship is so important for our children to experience and participate in. We work hard so that all worship experiences are kid friendly. Join us Sunday mornings in Celina and Sunday evenings in North Star.
Contemporary Worship
Sundays @ 9:00 am
Contemporary worship happens in our Family Life Center (FLC).
WOW Wednesdays
6:30 pm
WOW begins with a meal at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Classes. for all ages, begin at 6:30 and end at 7:30.