What is your spiritual gift? God has empowered us all with different kinds of talents which we use to help with the advancement of the church on earth by serving. Service is undoubtedly a substantial theme in the Bible, and because the Bible lays out how service should be a priority for Christians, we should be living examples as followers of Christ to serve in different ministries as per our spiritual gifts. “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28)”, let’s all strive to serve and imitate our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have various ministries in our church, and we are encouraging you to plug into the ministry of your calling to serve. We are in need of team leaders for small groups and volunteers. If you are not sure what your gifts are, we can help you identify your gifts by going through Spiritual gift test/inventory that helps you understand what your gifting might be. We encourage you to sign up and serve.
We have various ministries in our church, and we are encouraging you to plug into the ministry of your calling to serve. We are in need of team leaders for small groups and volunteers. If you are not sure what your gifts are, we can help you identify your gifts by going through Spiritual gift test/inventory that helps you understand what your gifting might be. We encourage you to sign up and serve.