Saturday, December 7th, 2024, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
LOCATION: St. John Lutheran Church Family Life Center
NEEDED: Table decorators and hostesses

Ways to Join the Fun:
  • Decorate a table and attend
  • Buy tickets ($20 per person) as a hostess, invite guests, and attend
  • Buy a ticket for yourself (and friends) and attend

Table Decorating Info:
  • Plan a table for 8-10 with a holiday theme
  • Set up: Friday, December 6th, 9 AM - 7 PM
  • Have fun with a beautifully decorated table, string orchestra, and brunch by Romer's

Table Judging Categories:
  • Most Elegant - Best Christmas - Best Religious - Best Historical - Vintage - Best Movie/Book/Song/TV - Best Winter/Nature

To Decorate:
Contact Beth Heiby (419-733-7964) or Kim Gardner (419-733-7639), along with your category, by the end of October. Decorators get first seating for their table!

For Tickets: 
Cost is $20 per person. Contact the office anytime or available after Sunday services on Oct 27, Nov 3 & Nov 10, or call/text Beth Heiby.
For ALL the details, visit:

If you are interested in decorating a table, here are some things to consider:
- Plan a table for 8-10 with a Christmas theme.
- Set up is Friday, December 6th between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center at St. John Lutheran Church, 1100 North Main Street, Celina, OH.
- You may invite others (members and non-members) to help plan and decorate and sit with you.
- You need to provide your own table service: china, silverware, glassware, cups, napkins, decorations, chair covers, etc. as desired.
- We will be using plastic plates, cups, and coffee cups to actually use to eat on top of your "fancy'' plates, so that helps with clean-up!
- White linen tablecloths are provided (round or rectangular tables), but you may bring your own.
- You are responsible for clean-up right after the event.
- Have fun! Enjoy the Christmas season with beautifully decorated tables, a string orchestra, brunch. provided by Romers, and time with your friends.

Tables will be judged by attendees in 7 categories:
A. Most Elegant, B. Best Christmas, C. Most Playful/Unique  D. Best Religious  E. Best Historical/Vintage  F. Best Movie, Book, Song or TV Show G. Best Winter/Nature

You will need to identify which category best fits your table! Your table will only be entered in that category ... don't worry ... it is all in fun!
- Decorators will have the first chance to fill their table.
- Decorators may come in at 8:30 on Saturday, Dec. 7; others should view the tables between 9:00 and 9:45 The brunch begins at 10:00 until about 11:30.
If you decide to decorate a table, you will receive another letter giving you measurements and more information.

If you are only interested in attending,:

- Tickets are $20
- Tickets can be purchased at St. John Lutheran Church on these Sundays: October 27, and November 3 and 10 at each of the services. You may also call, text, or email Beth Heiby (419.733.7964) or or you may stop in at the office at church and get tickets from Terry.
You can send checks to Beth Heiby at 142 Cottonwood Drive, Celina, OH 45822, or purchase in the church office from Terry.

Please let Beth, Kim, or a committee member know who’s sitting at your table. Your table number will be posted when you arrive.

Each table will have 7 ballots (one per category) with golf pencils for voting.

Brunch by Romer's starts at 10:00, and there will be door prizes and awards for the top decorators!

Thank you so much for your interest in this event! The Women's Ministry at St John Lutheran,
Beth Heiby - Kim Gardner - Ellen Staehler - Mary Meyer - Sandy Kennedy - Susie Nelson