Ginny Brewer, Mike Buxton, Bert Diegel, Margie Fennig, Gini Fickert, Sheryl Frahm, Norma Gardener, Tyler Levi, Kris Mann, Evelyn Now, Estella Nusbaum, Francis Nusbaum, Larry Pingry, Neil Romer, Vern Schroyer, and Carl Stuck.
Lenten Services on Wednesday Evenings
Join us on Wednesday evenings from April 2 to April 9 for Lenten Services at 7:30 pm in sanctuary.
Egg Trees

The Egg Trees are up in the Narthex. Donations this year will be sent to Our Home and Hand-Up Village.
Funeral dinner team
Beth Heiby and Lorna Saddler are currently working on an updated list for the Funeral Dinner Team. (This team provides luncheons for loved ones following a funeral.) If you wish to be added as a volunteer to help provide food or help in the kitchen, please contact Lorna or Beth. Call the office (419-586-2332) if you'd like phone numbers for Beth or Lorna.
Port-Shirt sewing

The James Cancer Center in Columbus stated a need for 500 port-shirts. We would like to contribute toward this goal. For more information contact Janna Hirschfeld, Cathy Weis, or Rosemary Boomhower.
Are you a Thrivent Member?

Are you a Thrivent member? Thrivent is a financial organization with deep roots in the Lutheran Church. Did you know? If you are a Thrivent member with an annuity or life insurance policy, Thrivent gives you two opportunities each year to provide $250 in action team funding (and t-shirts!) to church or community events?
If you have never put your Thrivent Action Team money to work, we can help. Contact the church office, Thrivent, or your Thrivent representative.
We are looking for Thrivent Action Team sponsors for the Easter Egg filling activities. Please contact Jenelle.
If you have never put your Thrivent Action Team money to work, we can help. Contact the church office, Thrivent, or your Thrivent representative.
We are looking for Thrivent Action Team sponsors for the Easter Egg filling activities. Please contact Jenelle.

Altar Flowers for 3/23/25 were given by David Eichler in memory of his Mom and Dad, Vernon & Doris Eichler.
The 2025 Altar Flower Schedule is posted near the main office and ready for you to sign up.
The 2025 Altar Flower Schedule is posted near the main office and ready for you to sign up.
purple door pacers

Purple Door Pacers meet and walk every Monday and Thursday morning at 10:00 am. We would love for you to come join us! Our schedule can be found in the Tower or on the bulletin board outside of the office. All ages and all abilities are more than welcome to participate.
Sewing Circle
The Sewing Circle ladies are seeking anyone who can tie a simple knot to join them for a morning of fun on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month!
First Communion

First Communion will take place on Saturday, March 29th from 12:30-2 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Children are asked to attend with an adult such as a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, godparent, etc.

We are partnering with Grand Lake UMC to collect gently used or new shoes for Soles4Souls. All shoes that meet these conditions will be accepted during the month of March.
Calling all young adults
If you are in your 20s or 30s and are interested in receiving information about Bible studies, events, and more, contact Ingrid to be added to the group. We have in-person and online options! Email:
Easter Egg Hunt 4/19/25

We are looking for a Thrivent Action Team sponsor for the Easter Egg filling activities. We are also looking for donations of candy to fill the eggs and small prizes. Please contact Jenelle. Volunteers are also being called to help fill the eggs on April 16, from 4-5:30 pm. Follow this link to view our Amazon wish list for helping to fill the eggs:
Planning ahead!
Events on the horizon....
- April 9th: WOW Season-Ending Family Bash, 5:00 to 7:30.
- April 13th: Holy Week Dinner, 6:30 pm. Limited seating, sign up in the Narthex.
- September 5-7: Annual church campout at Lake Loramie State Park.